We automatically collect some information about your device when you use the Site, including but not limited to information about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some of the cookies that are set on your device. Furthermore, when you navigate the Site, we gather information about the particular web pages or goods that you visit, what websites or search keywords brought you to the Site, and how you interact with the Site. This automatically obtained data is referred to as “Device Information.”

  1. Information on General Data Protection
  2. Applicants’ Data Protection Information
  3. Data Security Information for Third-Country Applicants


Access logs and data types handled when a page is accessed
We only gather personal data that your browser provides to our server when you visit the website for informative reasons. When you visit our website, we gather the following information:

• The requested file’s file name (s)

• The request’s date and time

• Data transmission volume

• An indicator of whether the file has been completely sent

• Specifics about your web browser and running system

• The URL of the page from which you initiated the request

• Your Internet Protocol (IP) address

This information is saved in our system’s log files. We do not store this or any other personal information. We gather the specified data to guarantee a good connection to the website and to allow visitors to use our website comfortably. Furthermore, the log file is used to assess system security and stability, as well as for administrative functions. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f DSGVO since there is a legitimate interest in the temporary storage of data or log files.

We preserve this data for a limited time for technical security reasons, namely to prevent assaults on our web server. We cannot make judgments about specific individuals based on this information. After seven days, the data is anonymised by shortening the IP address at the domain level, so that no relationship to the specific user can be established.

The data is also processed for statistical purposes in anonymized form. We do not store this or any other personal information. All data will be erased once it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

Personal data processing
We only collect, use, and send personal data where it is legally permissible or with your permission.

When you send us a query, such as through e-mail, we keep it for processing and future queries. Personal data given to us by e-mail (for example, name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) is only used to process contact queries.

Data will not be shared with third parties or made public.

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR due to the legitimate interest in the processing of data communicated by e-mail.

When data is no longer required for the reason for which it was acquired, it will be erased. This is the situation when the processing of the relevant inquiry has been finished, i.e. when the circumstances indicate that the topic in question has been finally explained.

We would like to emphasise that the confidentiality of e-mails or other forms of electronic communication through the Internet cannot be guaranteed. We recommend delivering sensitive material by mail.

Users’ and data subjects’ rights
Users and data subjects have the right to object to the data processing detailed in greater detail below.

• to confirmation that their data is being processed, information on the data being processed, further information about the nature of the data processing, and copies of the data (see also Art. 15 GDPR);
• to repair or update erroneous or missing data (see also GDPR Article 16);
• to the immediate erasure of data pertaining to them (cf. also Art. 17 GDPR), or, alternatively, if further processing is required as specified in Art. 17 Paragraph 3 GDPR, to restrict said processing in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR
• Subject to notice in accordance with GDPR Article 19;
• to get copies of data pertaining to them and/or given by them, as well as to have such data forwarded to other providers/controllers (see also Art. 20 GDPR);
• to register complaints with the supervisory authority if they feel the controller is processing their personal data in violation of data protection regulations (see also Art. 77 GDPR).

Furthermore, under Art. 16, 17 Paragraph 1, 18 GDPR, the controller is required to notify all recipients to whom it discloses data of any such changes, deletions, or limits put on processing the same. This responsibility, however, does not apply if such notice is impractical or requires a disproportionate amount of work. Nonetheless, users have a right to know who these receivers are.

Similarly, pursuant to Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f) GDPR, users and data subjects have the right to object to the controller’s future processing of personal data under Art. 21 GDPR.

In these situations, the processing operation is based on the controller’s legitimate interests, with the premise that his legitimate interests in omitting the processing operation do not outweigh his legitimate interests in protection. If such an objection is raised, we request an explanation of the grounds based on their specific circumstances. If you object, we will investigate the issue and either cease or modify the data processing, or demonstrate you our compelling grounds for continuing the processing, on the basis of which we are entitled to protection.

Furthermore, under Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to file an appeal with a data protection supervisory body if you believe that the processing of your personal data is unlawful. Any other administrative or judicial remedy is unaffected by the right to appeal.

Data Safety
Within the website visit, we employ the SSL process (Secure Socket Layer) in conjunction with the strongest encryption level enabled by your browser. In general, this is a 256-bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256-bit encryption, we fall back to 128-bit v3 technology. The appearance of the closed key or lock symbol in your browser’s lower status bar indicates if an individual page of our website is being transmitted in encrypted form.

We also employ suitable technological and organisational security measures to safeguard your data from accidental or intentional modification, partial or total loss, destruction, or unauthorised access by third parties. Our security measures are always being enhanced to keep up with technological advancements.

Cookies are little text files that are saved locally in a visitor’s Internet browser’s cache. Cookies allow the internet browser to recognise you, for example, when you use the login section. These are utilised to make surfing as simple and comfortable for you as feasible. You may prevent cookies from being used in general by changing the settings on your browser. However, in this scenario, this might be connected with a functional impairment when utilising our websites.

In our cookie consent banner, you can find a list of the cookies we use, descriptions of the cookies’ objectives, and further information about the specific cookies.

Here is a list of all cookies that have been used:
CookieConsent: Saves the current domain’s cookie consent status for the user. 1 year expiry
_ga: Stores a unique ID that is used to produce statistics data about how visitors use the website. 2 years from now
gat: Google Analytics uses to restrict request rate. 1 day expiry
_gid: Registers a unique ID that is used to create statistics data about how visitors use the website.

Analytics by Google (1)
Google Analytics, a web analytic service of Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), is used on this website if you have provided your approval. The “Universal Analytics” operating mode is used. This allows for the assignment of data, sessions, and interactions across various devices to a pseudonymous user ID, allowing for the analysis of a user’s activity across devices.

Google Analytics use “cookies,” which are text files that are stored on your computer, to assist the website in analysing how people interact with the site. The cookie’s information about your use of this website is typically sent to and stored on a Google server in the United States. If IP anonymisation is enabled on this page, Google will previously minimise your IP address inside the European Union or other states parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. We would like to note out that for this website, Google Analytics has been enhanced to include IP anonymisation in order to ensure that IP addresses are collected anonymously (so-called IP masking). Your browser’s IP address is not combined with other Google data when you use Google Analytics. Please see https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/gb.html or https://policies.google.com/?hl=en for additional information on terms of service and data protection.

The Processing’s Goals
Google will use this information on behalf of the website’s operator to assess your use of the website, generate reports on website activity, and provide the website operator with other services connected to website and Internet usage.

Legal Foundation
The legal foundation for using Google Analytics is your permission under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

Recipients or Recipient Categories
Google is the recipient of the gathered data.

Transferring to Third-World Countries
On the basis of the European Commission’s adequacy decision, personal data will be transmitted to the United States under the EU-US Privacy Shield. The certificate is available for download here.

Data Storage Timeframe
We immediately destroy data connected to cookies, user-identifiers (e.g., User-IDs), or advertising-identifiers after 14 months. Data that has reached the end of its retention term is automatically erased once a month.

Persons Affected’s Rights
You can revoke your consent at any time with future effect by disabling the storing of cookies in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that you may not be able to utilise all services of our website to their full extent in this instance.

You may also prevent Google from collecting and processing data produced by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. Opt-out cookies will prevent future data gathering when you visit this website. You must opt-out on all systems utilised to prevent Universal Analytics from gathering data across multiple devices. In our cookie consent banner, you may disable Google Analytics.

Maps by Google
We include maps from the service provider Google’s “Google Maps.” The processed data may contain users’ IP addresses and location data, which are not acquired without their permission.

Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent company: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; service provider: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; parent

When you use Google Maps, information about your use of this website, including your IP address and the (start) address entered in the route planner feature, is sent to Google in the United States.

When you visit a website of our online presence that includes Google Maps, your browser creates a direct connection with Google’s servers. Google sends the map material directly to your browser and integrates it into the page. As a result, we have no control over the amount of data acquired by Google in this manner. According to our understanding, this is at least the following information:

• The date and time of your visit to the aforementioned website,
• Internet address or URL of the viewed web page
• IP address, (start) address typed in the route planning

We have no control over Google’s subsequent processing and use of the data and hence cannot accept responsibility for it.

You can disable JavaScript in your browser settings if you do not want Google to collect, process, or utilise data about you through our website. However, you cannot utilise the map display in this instance.

Please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy (https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en) for the purpose and scope of data collection, as well as the subsequent processing and use of data by Google, as well as your rights and privacy setting choices.

Google LLC is a signatory to the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement as well as the Swiss-US Privacy Shield Agreement.


Personal Information (or Data)
Any information that, directly or indirectly, or in conjunction with other information, provides for the identification or identifiability of a natural person, including a personal identification number.

Data on Use
Information collected automatically through this Website (or third-party services used in this Website), which can include: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who use this Website, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server’s answer, and the date and time of the request (successful outcome, error, etc.), the country of origin, the browser and operating system features used by the User, the various time details per visit (e.g., the time spent on each page within the Application) and details about the path followed within the Application with special reference to the sequence of pages visited, and other parameters about the device operating system and/or the User’s IT environment

The person using this Website who, unless otherwise noted, is the Data Subject.

Subject of the Data

The individual to whom the Personal Data pertains.

Processor of Data (or Data Supervisor)

The natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other organisation that processes Personal Data on the Controller’s behalf, as defined in this privacy statement.

Controller of Data (or Owner)
The natural or juridical person, public authority, agency, or other organisation that, alone or in collaboration with others, defines the goals and means of Personal Data processing, including the security measures pertaining to the administration and use of this Website. Unless otherwise noted, the Owner of this Website is the Data Controller.

This Internet site (or this Application)
The method through which the User’s Personal Data is gathered and processed.

This Website’s service as defined in the applicable terms (if accessible) and on this site/application.

The European Union (or EU)
Except as otherwise noted, all references to the European Union in this paper encompass all present member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Small data files that are stored on your device or computer and frequently contain an anonymous unique identification. Visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org for additional information about cookies and how to disable them.



Applicants’ Privacy Policy

Please also review our general Privacy Notice.

  1. In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

2. The Data Proceeding’s Purpose and Legal Basis

Insofar as it is essential for the decision to create an employment connection with us, we treat your personal data in line with the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR). For the establishment or implementation of contractual agreements, the legal foundation is Art. 88 GDPR in connection with Art. 26 BDSG, as well as, if appropriate, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Furthermore, we may use personal data about you in order to fulfil legal duties (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR) or to defend against legal claims made against us. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR serves as the legal foundation for this. A justifiable interest might be a responsibility to give evidence, for example. If you provide us with express consent to process personal data for specified purposes, the lawfulness of this processing is based on your consent under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. Any consent provided can be retracted at any moment, with immediate effect (see Section 8 of this data protection information.)

If you and we enter into an employment agreement, we may, in accordance with Art. 88 GDPR and Art. 26 BDSG, process the personal data that we have already received from you for the purposes of the employment relationship, insofar as this is required for the implementation or termination of the employment relationship, or for the exercise or fulfilment of the rights and duties of employee representation arising from a law or a collective agreement, works or service agreement.

3. Personal Data Categories

We only process data that is relevant to your application. This can include general personal data (name, address, contact information, and so on), information about your professional credentials and schooling, information about additional professional training, and, if relevant, any information you supply us with in connection with your application.

4. Sources of Information

We take personal information through the application form. You may also use your LinkedIn or Xing profile to apply. You may also utilise the application platform Personio to submit applications to job adverts. In these circumstances, the third-party source will provide us the aforementioned personal information. As a result, the data source in the sense of Art. 14 para. 2 lit. f GDPR is LinkedIn, Xing, or Personio. The information does not originate from publically available sources.

5. Beneficiaries of the Information

Within our organisation, we only share your personal information with departments and individuals that require it to fulfil contractual and legal duties or to carry out our legitimate interests.

We may transmit data to organisations associated with us to the extent permitted by the purposes and legal basis outlined in Section 3 of this data protection statement.

Otherwise, data will be disclosed to third-party recipients only if authorised or required by law, if the transfer is essential to fulfil legal requirements, or if we have your agreement.

6. Data Storage Timeframe

We save your personal information for as long as it is required for the decision on your application. Unless extended storage is legally needed or authorised, your personal data or application materials will be erased six months after the completion of the application procedure (e.g., the notification of the decision to reject your application).
Aside from that, we only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary by law or in a specific situation for the assertion, exercise, or defence of legal claims throughout the course of a legal litigation.

If you have accepted to us storing your personal data for a longer period of time, we will do so in line with your declaration of permission.

If a job, training, or internship connection develops as a result of the application process, your data will be retained if required and legal, and then transferred to the personnel file.

If you give us an intriguing application but there are no suitable positions available at the present, we would want to maintain a copy of your application materials in particular situations, even after the application procedure has ended. In this scenario, however, we shall seek your prior approval.

7. Your Legal Rights

Every data subject has the right to access under Article 15 GDPR, the right to rectification under Article 16 GDPR, the right to deletion under Article 17 GDPR, the right to restrict processing under Article 18 GDPR, the right to notification under Article 19 GDPR, and the right to data portability under Article 20 GDPR.

Furthermore, under Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to file an appeal with a data protection supervisory body if you consider that your personal data is not being processed legitimately. Any other administrative or judicial remedy is unaffected by the right to appeal.

If the processing of data is based on your consent, you have the right to cancel your consent to the use of your personal data at any time under Art. 7 GDPR. Please keep in mind that the revocation is only valid in the future. Processing that occurred prior to the revocation is unaffected. Please keep in mind that we may be required to keep some data for a specific length of time in order to comply with legal requirements (see also Section 7 of this data protection information).

Right to object

Insofar as the processing of your personal data is carried out to preserve legitimate interests under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right under Art. 21 GDPR to object to such processing at any time for grounds deriving from your specific circumstances. We shall therefore cease processing this personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling grounds for processing that are deserving of protection. The processing must serve to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims if they exceed your interests, rights, and freedoms. You are welcome to contact us in order to preserve your rights.

8. The requirement to provide personal information

Personal data disclosure in the context of application processes is not required by law or contract. As a result, you are not required to supply any information concerning your personal data. Please keep in mind, however, that this information is required for us to make a judgement on an application or a contract of employment. We cannot create an employment connection if you do not supply us with personal information. We recommend that you only provide personal information in your application that is required to complete the application.


THIRD-Country Applicants’ Privacy Policy

Please also read our general Privacy Statement.

  1. In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the responsible party is (GDPR)

2. The Data Proceeding’s Purpose and Legal Basis

Insofar as it is essential for the decision to create an employment connection with us, we treat your personal data in line with the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR). For the establishment or implementation of contractual agreements, the legal foundation is Art. 88 GDPR in connection with Art. 26 BDSG, as well as, if appropriate, Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Furthermore, we may use personal data about you in order to fulfil legal duties (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR) or to defend against legal claims made against us. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR serves as the legal foundation for this. For example, a justifiable interest may be a duty to give evidence. If you provide us with express consent to process personal data for specified purposes, the lawfulness of this processing is based on your consent under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. Any consent provided can be retracted at any moment, with immediate effect (see item 9 of this data protection information.)

If you and we enter into an employment agreement, we may, in accordance with Art. 88 GDPR and Art. 26 BDSG, process the personal data that we have already received from you for the purposes of the employment relationship, insofar as this is required for the implementation or termination of the employment relationship, or for the exercise or fulfilment of the rights and duties of employee representation arising from a law or a collective agreement, works or service agreement.

2. Personal Data Categories

We only process data that is relevant to your application. This can include general personal data (name, address, contact information, and so on), information about your professional credentials and schooling, information about additional professional training, and, if relevant, any information you supply us with in connection with your application.

3. Sources of Information

We take personal information through the application form. You may also use your LinkedIn or Xing profile to apply. You may also utilise the application platform Personio to submit applications to job adverts. In these circumstances, the third-party source will provide us the aforementioned personal information. As a result, the data source in the sense of Art. 14 para. 2 lit. f GDPR is LinkedIn, Xing, or Personio. The information does not originate from publically available sources.

4. Beneficiaries of the Information

Within our organisation, we only share your personal information with departments and individuals that require it to fulfil contractual and legal duties or to carry out our legitimate interests.
We may transmit data to organisations associated with us to the extent permitted by the purposes and legal basis outlined in Section 3 of this data protection statement.
Otherwise, data will be disclosed to third-party recipients only if authorised or required by law, if the transfer is essential to fulfil legal requirements, or if we have your agreement.

5. Transferring to Third-World Countries

We want to send your data to our company’s offices in the United States for employment applications. We have put in place adequate measures for the transfer of your personal data beyond the EEA/Switzerland, including the European Commission’s standard contractual terms for the transfer of personal data to other countries.

6. Data Storage Timeframe

We save your personal information for as long as it is required for the decision on your application. Unless extended storage is legally needed or authorised, your personal data or application materials will be erased six months after the completion of the application procedure (e.g., the notification of the decision to reject your application). Aside from that, we only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary by law or in a specific situation for the assertion, exercise, or defence of legal claims throughout the course of a legal litigation.

If you have accepted to us storing your personal data for a longer period of time, we will do so in line with your declaration of permission.
If a job, training, or internship connection develops as a result of the application process, your data will be retained if required and legal, and then transferred to the personnel file.

If you give us an intriguing application but there are no suitable positions available at the present, we would want to maintain a copy of your application materials in particular situations, even after the application procedure has ended. In this scenario, however, we shall seek your prior approval.

7. Your Legal Rights

Every data subject has the right to access under Article 15 GDPR, the right to rectification under Article 16 GDPR, the right to deletion under Article 17 GDPR, the right to restrict processing under Article 18 GDPR, the right to notification under Article 19 GDPR, and the right to data portability under Article 20 GDPR.
Furthermore, under Art. 77 GDPR, you have the right to file an appeal with a data protection supervisory body if you consider that your personal data is not being processed legitimately. Any other administrative or judicial remedy is unaffected by the right to appeal.

If the processing of data is based on your consent, you have the right to cancel your consent to the use of your personal data at any time under Art. 7 GDPR. Please keep in mind that the revocation is only valid in the future. Processing that occurred prior to the revocation is unaffected. Please keep in mind that we may be required to keep some data for a specific length of time in order to comply with legal requirements (see item 8 of this data protection information).

8. Right to object

Insofar as the processing of your personal data is carried out to preserve legitimate interests under Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right under Art. 21 GDPR to object to such processing at any time for grounds deriving from your specific circumstances. We shall therefore cease processing this personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling grounds for processing that are deserving of protection. The processing must serve to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims if they exceed your interests, rights, and freedoms. You are welcome to contact us in order to preserve your rights.

9. The requirement to provide personal information

Personal data disclosure in the context of application processes is not required by law or contract. As a result, you are not required to supply any information concerning your personal data. Please keep in mind, however, that this information is required for us to make a judgement on an application or a contract of employment. We cannot create an employment connection if you do not supply us with personal information. We recommend that you only provide personal information in your application that is required to complete the application.


Trademarks Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this site, including but not limited to the text and images and their arrangement, are the property of LCRN. All trademarks mentioned or used on this website belong to their respective owners. Nothing on this site should be regarded as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any licence or right to any LCRN or third-party copyright, patent, trademark, or other intellectual interest. This site and its content, including but not limited to graphic images, audio, video, html code, buttons, and text, may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of LCRN, except that you may download, display, and print one copy of the materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you do not modify the material.


For all of its communication protocols, LCRN follows an anti-spam policy. This implies that we do not tolerate unsolicited email messages, notifications, alerts, or any other message from someone who should not have your email address.


If you want to learn more about our privacy policies, have concerns, or file a complaint, please contact us by mail at the address shown below:


Attn: Legal Department


Harrisburg, PA, 17102

United States